Thursday, September 15, 2011

Relying on what God says I am

Well I must say, I kept my word. I said I was going to start posting at least once a week. I am excited to report for this week, I did what I said I would do! This was not an easy promise to keep. This week as been super busy and it will not slow down for a while. However, that being said, I believe there is always time, to sit, type and describe some of the amazing things God has revealed to me through His Word this week.
It seems I have really felt such a draw lately to be submersed in the Word. I absolutely LOVE reading my Bible and find great comfort in the words that I read over on a daily basis. Although the passion to read the Word comes and goes, depending on how busy we are with our daily lives. I feel that the more we dedicate time to God's Word, the more of a desire we will gain and the more we will not be able to put it down. I am currently reading Matthew. I am up to Chapter 10. Although today , I am rereading all of it again, because I want to really understand and concentrate on Jesus' journey.
Most mornings when I am driving to work I ask the Lord for Him to use me as a light in any dark places that day. Matthew 5:14-16 speaks of just that, as Jesus says "You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the home. In the same ways, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." I want to be used in any form or fashion for Christ. Even if it is just a simple smile to brightens someones day. I want to do that, because even that is showing the love of Christ.
Believe me though, when you ask to be the light in a dark place, you will often find yourself in situations that will test your ability to be the light. This week has been one of those weeks for me.
Often when you pray for God to help you in an area, or pray for Him to use you in some way, you will see it all around you. Often if we pray for good thoughts through the day, we may be faced with an unkind word from a co-worker that sends up mentally through the roof. How are we to meditate on good thoughts after something like that happens? I believe by restating what God has said about us. Mentally speak good things from the Word of God you remember reading. In the end however, just praying to ourselves for God to give us direction even in that moment is something we all can do to stay focused on God and not the unkind word.
I will often drive home, reprimanding myself of the wrong thing I said, or did not say, or generally just the way I behaved. Literally picking myself apart until I feel destroyed and that I botched the whole day. Luckily, I have come to the conclusion (on most days) to just give myself a break. I am not giving God enough credit if I think I can fix everything about myself, every second of the day. God has never failed in showing me or guiding me in someway if I needed to work on certain areas of my life. Yes, it is important to pray for areas we feel are struggles, and keep praying and reading the Word about those areas, until we feel that we are delivered, but to continuously knock our own self down because we feel like we have to is absurd. I mean really, it isn't anything we are doing that is going to change us. It is only the Holy Spirit inside of us that will change us, if we do what we are suppose to do, which is to lean on God, read the Word and have faith the He will lead us up and over the mountain.
However, most people give up on themselves changing before they reach victory because the journey may take some time. As one of my favorite teachers Joyce Meyers' has said before "it took longer than a day to get into your mess, and its going to take longer than a day of doing right to get out of it". You have to fight the good fight of faith and realize that your circumstances may not change over night. However, that is why God is so good, because having faith that God will change your circumstances and being dedicated to staying strong to see the deliverance will only be a GAIN for your life and it will also allow you to get closer to God more than you ever expected you could be. Believe me, keep going, stay strong because victory is on its way. Don't beat yourself up, but renew your mind in what God's Word says you are, which is righteous, and victorious!
God Bless you!!!

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