Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Journey Continues....

So the last couple of days I have been reading Hebrews. I have really enjoyed it. If I could, I would encourage everyone to sit down and read the entire book in one sitting, (only 13 chapters). This is a great book (scholars think it was written by Paul) that tells everyone to continue their earnest focus on God even when times get worse.
In my own life, in many different occasions I let myself down, and I also let God down. Things happen, sins happen, life happens. Usually, when I feel as if I am "done" with a certain sin, it rears its dirty face again for me to deal with it all over again. I feel discouraged, I feel that I not only let myself down but I also have let my friends down, and most importantly I have let God down.
But in Chapter 12 verse 7 of Hebrews, Paul says "Be patient when you are being corrected! This is how God treats his children." And in verse 12 "Now stand up straight! Stop your knees from shaking and walk a straight path. Then lame people will be healed, instead of getting worse"
Which means in my own life, that I should be thankful that God is correcting me, if He wasn't I would be in worse trouble. Because that would mean that I am not hearing from him. This also means that I need to stop dwelling on past mistakes, I should stand up straight and keep fighting the good fight.
If we let ourselves dwell on past mistakes (that are forgiven) we simple continue to circle the same mountain. We never move forward! How horrible is that? I would never want to circle the same mountain, it gets frustrating and confusing. But we must continue to look to God for our strength and just realize that it will be okay. God is steadily working in each of our lives, and we must continue to move forward! 
In many cases in my own life, I tend to put God in a box and limit His power to solve a problem I have. I feel that I have to feel bad for my sins for a couple of days, and then try to "make them up" so that I feel that I have redeemed myself. But God doesn't work like that. He is a god of grace and mercy. He wants to help us, He wants us to run to Him, and realize that we can not do it on our own. 
Paul also states in chapter 6 verse 1 "We must try to become mature and start thinking about more than just the basic things we were taught about Christ. We shouldn't meed to keep talking about why we ought to run from deeds that bring death and why we ought to have faith in God. And we shouldn't need to keep teaching about baptisms or about the laying on of hands or about people being raised from death and the future judgement. Let's grow up if God is willing." 
How powerful is that? Paul is plainly saying, that we must grow up and think above and beyond the little things that we were taught. Stop dwelling on past mistakes, move forward in Christ. I really, really needed to hear those words. I need to stop worrying about the small stuff and realize how HUGE God is, and He is completely and utterly in control. 
I remember when I was a child and my parents would tell me not to worry about things, how things were going to work out or something like that. And as a child I would listen and knew that my parents had never let me down before so why would they do it this time, it just wasn't an option. And every time, everything always worked out. Plans may have changed, but I had more fun with the new plans than the old. Doesn't say in the Bible that we should come to God as a child, or in a child like way? Yes it very much does. I think that is going to be my new prayer!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Learning from Day to Day.....

Being able to take a break from my daily teaching responsibilities I am able to focus more earnestly on my daily pursuit of God's heart. Don't get me wrong I am pursuing His heart when I am teaching 5 days a week, however, having your entire weeks and months off, allows one to become more focused. 
I enjoy the mornings, the silence that is present allows the Glory of God to really be heard. It is nice to sit on my patio and listen to what is being said.
I was reading 1 Corinthians; Chapter 7 today, and I came across the part that Paul dedicates to the "unmarried people" of this world. I thought it was quite fitting for my current circumstances. I have to laugh really. I love Paul and I love his message. I really enjoy the part in which he states, "However, I think I am obeying God's spirit when I say she would be happier to stay single." I am sure Paul is right. I am sure that life in essence would be easier if one decided to stay single. But with the looming questions at family gatherings of "you'll be next" or "when are you going to get married", or my favorite "don't worry, it will happen, when its meant to happen." As I node, and slowly walk away, all I have thoughts of is " i can't wait for those questions to be over with!!!". 
I don't know if anyone would agree, but I feel empowered by Paul's words. I get that things would be easier and I love that Paul had the nerves to say it. From my history back ground I understand that things would be much easier economically for Paul to get married, he would definitely have more money to continue his missions and give to the church. On top of other gains from a marriage. But he wasn't worried about that.
What I love about Paul, is when reading his words in the New Testament, one can really gain a sense that his eyes are totally on God and nothing will change that. 
In my own circumstances, just for the record, I want to get married. But I gain so much from reading about God and his promises no matter what our circumstances are all that matters is Him. And right now as a single person I have so much time and energy that I can put towards God and learning more and more about his wonderful glory and mercy, that I'm just excited being a "single" person right now. Although I don't think I am single, I'm never really alone.