I am overwhelmed at how amazing our God is. A few days ago I couldn't tell you this would be the first words out when writing this today. Things have been hectic lately. Going with the flow and trying to get things done from day to day had just become my life. Counting down the days until summer break was the high light.
However, a few months ago when my life went in a very different direction and things settled down, I knew God was telling me to take this time when school was on a pause and things at work were winding down to really focus on Him, and learn all I could from His word. He was calling me to a time that I would grow closer to Him. God does this very specifically to each of us; calling us on a journey with just Him to be loved, grow in His word, and grow in our faith. I knew that this was my season if I allowed God to work in my life. It is a choice, you know. God will call out to us, and it is up to us to accept His calling, or to simply ignore it.
God has been showing me so many things about myself and about my life. Too often we depend on other people and other things to make us happy. Sadly that is one of my down falls. I rely on friendship more often for advice than praying. I am extremely happy when I get things that I want, instead of praising God that during this economic down turn, I am not feeling most of it.
Yet, my God is amazing. Still calling my name to focus on Him.
I have come to the realization more than ever now, that life without fully in God's will is not the life I want to live. Last night I was laying in bed, about to fall asleep and all I could hear in my head was "focus on me, focus on me". This morning I woke up and felt over joyed with the love of God. I felt that every place in my heart was filled with the love of God.
I yearn for all God has for me. I am very passionate about following God's will. I am very passionate about this, because I still remember when I was only living for myself. Yes, I was a Christian but you could barely see it from the out side. I was living life for myself and it got me absolutely no where. I have tried living like that, and it only leads to destruction.
I know what God has for me is greater than anything I could ever imagine. Yet, I feel the society we live in is so afraid to grasp that. I am too at times. We feel that relying on the unknown is a risk too hard to take. So instead we live life, and we make decisions based on what our feeble minds think is good. Yet if we would just GIVE IT TO HIM, He would transform it to something amazing. Do not be satisfied with a simple day to day life. Expect more, search for more, live for more in Christ. Be a solider for Christ, and fight the good fight for others, not for your self. Life is short and our journey here is but a blink of an eye. Make a difference. You and I were made for more.
God Bless You!